In brief – NO. This is probably the biggest remote car starter question clients have and the one with the most misunderstanding and misinformation around it. The simple answer is that having a Remote Car Starter will not void your warranty. The Consumer Protection Act is in place to allow you to have devices like remote starters installed in your vehicle. You should ensure that the quality of equipment you choose and the quality of installation is such that warranty concerns do not come into play. The best method is to select a reputable remote start system manufacturer and have it installed by a professional authorized dealer for that product. They have been trained to work with those systems and a quality manufacturer will support both you and the installing dealer (us) in the event there are any concerns or obstacles to overcome. In fact many dealers will use the same products and often have a specialist like ourselves install remote starters in vehicles at the time of purchase when they were not factory installed in the vehicle!
Will a remote start system void my warranty?
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